Auguri dalla FLIC!
In occasione delle festività natalizie, i corsi di bambini e adulti saranno sospesi dal 23 dicembre 2019 al 6 gennaio
FLIC Scuola di Circo works for the diffusion of contemporary circus culture, that grows from the strong roots of the Italian cultural heritage thanks to the story of the large itinerant families and to the cinematographic and literary echoes that has made it famous all over the world.
The 2022/2023 season offers a wide selection of shows with a strong European spirit and character suitable for a wide audience, including a multidisciplinary program of collateral activities: artistic residencies, work-in-progress, meetings and activities. The show season was created with the desire to pursue the goals that have identified the FLIC for the last 20 years, never losing sight of the ideals and values of the immense historic and cultural heritage of the Reale Società Ginnastica di Torino: the training of the student and audience development through contemporary circus.
In occasione delle festività natalizie, i corsi di bambini e adulti saranno sospesi dal 23 dicembre 2019 al 6 gennaio
Domenica 22 dicembre – ore 21.00 Circo in pillole – direzione scenica a cura di
Sabato 7 dicembre – ore 21.00 Circo in pillole – “Fantastico quotidiano” – direzione scenica
Sabato 9 novembre 2019 – ore 21:00Spazio Flic, via Niccolò Paganini 0/200, Torino Entrata libera
FLIC Scuola Circo Torino
is a project of the Reale Società Ginnastica di Torino.
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