
and Activities



SURREALE ā€“ surreal

The 5th edition of Surreale
open call residency is closed!

The 2nd Open Call for the Residency Programme Surreale, closed on the 20th of March 2020.

It is called Surreale ā€“ residencies of contemporary circusā€, a project of the SocietĆ  Ginnastica di Torino to support the production and diffusion of contemporary circus. An international research centre composed of artists coming from all over the world, where art and freedom are the foundations to give a beginning to a work of creation and experimentation.

Inaugurated in 2018, the Surreale project supports three different typologies of residences:

ARTISTS WE ACCOMPANYĀ is dedicated to young artists who have just finished their training in circus school and who are approaching the world of work with a lot of technical and artistic skills, a fresh and overflowing creativity,Ā but littleĀ living workĀ experience, little experience of the complexity of the daily processĀ to actually produce a show.

ARTISTS WHO ACCOMPANY USĀ concerns theĀ artists already working in the sphere of contemporary circus, but subject to a new creation or new phases of their own artistic research.Ā They are artists that we know and follow for quite some time, which we want to support the artistic career and that we choose with responsible consciousness, in order to accompany our path of residency, school and our audience.

SPACE OF FREE EXPERIMENTATIONĀ is dedicated to research projects whose aim is the experimentation of new forms and new artistic languagesĀ ;Ā residences in which companies, artists, authors can ā€œdareā€, referring to the Latin meaning of the word that characterizes a period during which ā€œby free choice there is no profitableĀ activityā€.Ā A fertile moment outside productive dynamics and pressures.


FLIC Scuola di Circo is a full member of the FEDECĀ , an international network for professional circus education with over 80 members. Founded in 1998, its aim is to support the development and evolution of training, teaching and creation in the field of circus arts.

FEDECā€™s goals are:

  • enrich and develop circus arts education,
  • represent the member schools at both European and international level,
  • strengthen the links between the different training programmes and organisations,
  • promote employability and synergies with the professional sector,
  • facilitate international educational exchanges and European mobility,
  • raise the membersā€™ awareness of the EUā€™s political agenda,
  • advocate for arts education at European level,
  • raise the sectorā€™s profile.

A member since 2004, FLIC Scuola di Circo participates actively in the network, creating shows for the networkā€™s Circle Project, with presentations in CIRCa – Festival du Cirque Actuel, and has been both participants and partners in various European-funded projects, with the most recent being INTENTS, REFLECT, COSMIC and SPEAK OUT.Ā Ā Ā 

The INTENTS project (September 2014 ā€“ August 2017), led by the FĆ©dĆ©ration FranƧaise des Ecoles de Cirque (FFEC), was designed to provide a response to the needs identified by teachers, directors and policymakers for the knowledge and recognition of the profession of circus arts teachers. It proposed unprecedented collaborative work, involving the creation of a european profile, the structuring of a european competency framework, a continuing training programme and publications, and free and multilingual teaching tools based on experiences and expertise shared during continuing training courses.

The REFLECT project ā€“ REFLections and Exchanges for Circus Arts Teachers (September 2018 ā€“ December 2019), led by the FĆ©dĆ©ration FranƧaise des Ecoles de Cirque (FFEC) , focused on consulting the network and the circus arts teachers on their continuing education needs by organising peer-to-peer exchanges; the creation of a network of European professionals; the dissemination and use of the resources produced within the framework of the INTENTS project and the reflection on new documentation needed for circus arts education.

COSMIC ā€“ CO-creating and Sharing digital Methodologies In Circus education (September 2020- December 2022), led by the FĆ©dĆ©ration FranƧaise des Ecoles de Cirque (FFEC), aimed to enhance the quality of circus education and training of the entire educational staff within schools: teachers, students, general, pedagogical, and artistic directors, and administrative staff, targeting both professional and recreational schools creating new synergies and improve the transmission of learning outcomes within the schools.Ā  During the 28 months of the project, the partners collaborated face-to-face and remotely to develop new pedagogical digital methodologies, based on existing content in the schools.

The current project SPEAK OUT (2023-2024) aims at preventing all kinds of discrimination and gender-based violence in the circus and street arts sector, by supporting its core organisations (schools, festivals, companies…). The objective is to foster physically, psychologically and emotionally safe educational and work spaces.Ā Ā 

SPEAK OUT will raise awareness among circus stakeholders about abusive conducts, and will collect, develop and disseminate tools & resources to help the sector evolve in a sustainable and structural way, towards more equity and integrity.

4 trainings will take place during the project. They are designed for directors of professional circus organisations with the aim of implementing structural changes regarding discrimination and gender-based violence.



The Italian Gymnastics Federation (FGI) organizes in collaboration with the Reale SocietĆ  Ginnastica of Turin and FLIC Scuola di Circo the formative course of “Regional Technician – Health and Fitness of Aerobatic Aerobatics – 2nd level”.

Aerial acrobatics is a non-competitive activity that tends towards a certain artistic elaboration, both methodologically and expressively. The construction of sequences of technical movements is an integral part of aerial acrobatics, developed in relation to an artistic project, individual or collective, which can be finalized during the realization of artistic performances and shows.

This activity is now officially part of the disciplines recognized and practiced by the Italian Gymnastics Federation (FGI), thanks to the fundamental collaboration of the Reale SocietĆ  Ginnastica di Torino on technical, didactic and structural aspects.

Roberto Carminucci, National Technical Director of Health and Fitness of the FGI, has appointed as Technical Responsible at national level for the formation of aerial acrobatics Matteo Lo Prete, director of the Reale SocietĆ  Ginnastica di Torino and FLIC Scuola di Circo. In addition, all the formative modules take place in the historical building of the Reale SocietĆ  Ginnastica di Torino, via Magenta 11.

The training course for “Regional Technician – Health and Fitness of Aerobatic Aerobatics – 2nd level” organized by the Italian Gymnastics Federation is available to all technicians who already graduated the 1st level of the federated activities : Masculine Artistic Gymnastics, Feminine Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Trampoline, Aerobics, GPT, Health and Fitness (Fitness Sector).Ā Ā 


Historical introduction of circus acrobatics – artistic expression – research of the individual expressive movement – interpretation of the gesture – creative method – construction of the sequence – safety, environment, methodology and role of the teacher – general and specific physical preparation – structuring of lesson – planning, organization and periodisation – teaching methods – pre-acrobatics – technical references – assistance – specific technical preparation – prerequisites – learning methods – typical errors – focus on ascents, descents and figures for trapeze, rope, aerial hoop and silks.

Following the passing of the final exam, the candidate will receive the diploma of “Tecnico Regionale Salute e Fitness – 2 Ā° livello – Acrobatica Aerea” of the Italian Gymnastics Federation, recognized by the SNaQ – CONI (National Qualification System for Sport Technicians) and valid in all European countries.

For information and registration:
(Regional Committee of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta)



FLIC Scuola di Circo isĀ involved inĀ the diffusion ofĀ the contemporary circusĀ culture,Ā particularly through co-productions and support for contemporary circus shows and festivals.Ā Every year the school renews this commitment by hosting artistic residencies of companies that need spaces to work and hosting artists and teachers who come to school to teach and train.

Over the years, FLIC has supported various artists and companies, includingĀ : Cie BONSAI –Ā Bonsai,Ā Francesco SgrĆ² –Ā Just another normal day,Ā DuedĆ  CompanyĀ – Diverged,Ā Compagnia Eia –Ā CapasĀ and InTarsiĀ , La Burrasca –Ā ObstinĆ©es,Ā Cie Zenhir – Ah, com’ĆØ bello l’uomo, Laden ClasseĀ – 193 Problemi,Ā Compagnia Roberto Magro –Ā SilenzioĀ , Fabbrica C, MagdaclanĀ – Emisfero, ERA-Sonetto per un clownĀ , Giulio LanzafameĀ – Yes LandĀ ,Ā Andrea Loreni –Ā Zen e funambolismoĀ , Piergiorgio Milano –Ā PesadillaĀ andĀ White OutĀ .Ā 

Furthermore, for years FLIC has collaborated with theĀ International Circus Festival “Brocante”Ā of Val Colvera and with theĀ Dinamico FestivalĀ of Reggio Emilia.



FLIC Scuola di Circo supports theĀ co-creationĀ projectĀ involving students from circus schools who are partners of theĀ Quinta PareteĀ projectĀ > Circus Comunity, on a proposal born from the collaboration between ASD Giocolieri e Dintorni and APS JaqulĆØ, respectively project director and leader.Ā The project is part of the Open Community call of the Compagnia di San Paolo, in partnership with the community of 14 other circus organizations active in the territory of Piedmont and Liguria, in collaboration with other educational institutions of national and international fame involved in the strategies of Audience Engagement.

Quinta Parete> Circus ComunityĀ wants toĀ systematize, deepen and make even more effective the strategies and processes of Audience Engagement initiated by the project partners within the territory, insisting on strengthening the communities created by the various circus schools and the communitiesĀ (national, European, global and virtual) in which they operate.

The general objective is to build, broaden and consolidate the circus community, by promoting the dynamics of exchanges between the subjects involved in the network, in order to make them autonomous in the management of the initiatives launched, and which also includes the launch of new processes of cultural participation by the audienceĀ in termsĀ of active involvement, co-programming and/or co-management.

Quinta Parete> Circus Comunity on theĀ period January 2019 / September 2020, on the territories of Piedmont and Liguria, will activate tools, skills, opportunities for meetings, confrontation and collaboration between the project partners (10 schools of educational circus, 1 professional circus school, 3 educational circus festivals, 3 international contemporary circus festivals).

Project partners:Ā 

APS JaqlĆØ –Ā Orbassano (Leader);Ā ASD Giocolieri e DintorniĀ (Project Director),Ā ASD ArcobalenoĀ – Borgosesia;Ā ASD ChapitomboloĀ – Monale;Ā ASD SocietĆ  Ginnastica di Torino / FLICĀ – Turin;Ā ASD Fuma che n’dumaĀ – Cavallermaggiore;Ā ASD TeatrAzionEĀ – Turin;Ā ASD UPĀ – Pocapaglia;Ā AĀ ss.Ā Idea AgorĆ  / Mirabilia FestivalĀ – Fossano;Ā MagdaClan / My CircoĀ – Montiglio Monferrato.Ā In Liguria:Ā ASD Circo GalleggianteĀ – La Spezia;Ā ASD sYnergiKaĀ – Genes;Ā Ass.Ā Sarabanda / Circumnavigando FestivalĀ – Genes.Ā Ā Ā Ā 

Quinta Parete> Circus ComunityĀ is aĀ project supported by the Compagnia San Paolo within the 2018 Open Community Call and the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, as part of theĀ ā€œProgetto Quinta Pareteā€, supported by the FUS for the 2018-2020 triennial season.Ā Ā 



2021 under the sign of a #ClimateOfChange !

With the company MagdaClan, we won a call launched by WeWorld for the dissemination of #ClimateOfChange, the beautiful and ambitious project aiming to raise awareness and active young Europeans on the complex relationships between climate change and migratory phenomena.

The call provides for the creation of a contemporary circus show to be staged together with various collateral activities, in a tour from mid-June to mid-November, that will touch Greece, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, France and Belgium…

We are happy and proud to be able to contribute to this commendable initiative, making our skills available and accompanying the MagdaClan on a tour that will touch 10 European countries!

The company MagdaClan takes care of the show with its acrobats and musicians, while we organize the involvement of local circus school in the various countries with various collateral activities.


The project leader is WeWorld www.weworld.itĀ 

The Tour is cured by MagdaClan and FLIC Scuola di Circo


In this great adventure, they will be with us :

ActionAid Hellas (AAH) –Ā  Bulgarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (BEPF) ā€“ Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAID) ā€“ SLOGA Slovenian Global Action www.sloga-platform.orgĀ  ā€“ Buy Responsibly Foundation (BRF) ā€“ Finep forum fĆ¼r internationale entwicklung + planung ā€“ Instituto Marques de Valle Flor (IMVF) ā€“ ALDA European Association for Local Democracy ā€“ European Environmental Bureau (EEB) ā€“SĆ¼dwind www.suedwind.atĀ 



The first part of the production took place online while the live artistic creation began at the end of March, hosted in three precious places.

From March 27th to April 11th in the internal and external spaces of our Spazio FLIC, in the beautiful area of Bunker Torino, and thanks also to Surreale, a project supported by the Piedmont Region and the Ministry of Culture in the context of the Artists in the Territories program.

From 12th April to 12th May in Collegno, in the magnificent spaces of the Lavanderia a Vapore, guests of the Piemonte dal Vivo Foundation as part of the Lavanderia a Vapore choreographic residences project.

From 24th May to 10th June in Rubiera, at the Emilia-Romagna Centro di Residenza dellā€™Emilia-Romagna – Lā€™arboreto-Teatro Dimora | La Corte Ospitale



The show, still untitled, is building itself on the image of a collective migration.

The scenography, very important element, will be made of a complex structure, built from two semi-trailers which transform themselves into stages, surmounted by a crane that will be able to move performers and scenographic elements through the space.

The themes underlying the show will be evoked through the paradox, the excess, the absurd: this will make possible to maintain a high level of audience involvement throughout the show.

The live soundtrack will make use of numerous acoustic, electronic and self-made instruments to generate a wide and transversal soundscape.

The show will be a rough-looking creature, with a bewildered and visionary soul, with an immense and generous heart, it will speak in a paradoxical, almost unsettling way.

Along with the contemporary circus show, various activities are planned to address the theme of the climate crisis with local communities: participatory workshops, street guerrillas, workshops.


Approximate duration : 1h 20mn


Approximate dimensions

Stage space : 25m x 30m

Minimum set-up area : 40m x 40m

An average of 500-1000 spectators per show



Direction: Petr Forman

Dramaturge, Artistic director: Flavio dā€™Andrea

Architect-Stage Designer: Francesco Fassone

Technical Director : Andrea Kubanksi


Acrobats: Ā 

Giorgio Bertolotti, Circus artist (Clown, Circus Actor)

Elena Bosco, Acrobat (Hair suspension, Dance, Hand balancing)

Davide De Bardi, Acrobat (Hand balancing, PorteĢ acrobatique)

Lucas Elias, Acrobat (Chinese Pole, PorteĢ acrobatique)

Giulio Lanfranco, Acrobat (Ladder balancing, PorteĢ acrobatique)

Tiphaine Rochais, Acrobat (German wheel, Acro-dance)

Daniele Sorisi, Acrobat (Acro-dance juggling)



German Carlo Larsen, Musician (Guitarist, Percussionist, Live-Electronics)

Marco Turconi, Musician (Singer, Composer, Live-Electronics)

Luca Ramon, Musician (Drummer, Bassist)

Achille Zoni, Musician (Multi-instrumentalist)


Technicians: Ā 

Sound Technician : Carlo Cottafava

Light Technician : Meron Celentano


Project Manager : Achille Zoni

Low Environmental Counselor : Tiziano Cattaneo

Tour Manager : Ilaria dalle Donne

Network of Circus School: Stevie Boyd (FLIC Scuola di Circo)

Focal Point Communication : Annalisa Bonvicini

Communication Team : Luigi Piga (FLIC Scuola di Circo), Rachele Ponzellini (WeWorld), Irene Leonardi (WeWorld), and all the local partner.


#ClimateOfChange ā€“ The Project

Engaging youth to understand the complex relationships between climate change and migration to create a movement of informed people, ready to change lifestyle and demand new development policies is the goal of End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change ā€“ in short #ClimateOfChange ā€“ the initiative funded by the European Commission under the DEAR programme (Development Education and Awareness Raising), which supports projects involving EU citizens in social, economic and environmental issues of global relevance.

However, changing oneā€™s individual behaviour is not enough: it is necessary to create a European network of young people who work together to call for collective change, at local, national and European level. Joining forces to achieve this goal are 16 European organizations led by WeWorld ā€“ among which civil society organisations, universities and NGOs ā€“ who have been working since the beginning of 2020 to plan in synergy not only research and debates in schools and universities, but also a pan-European communication and awareness campaign, online and offline, which will affect millions of boys and girls aged 16 to 35 living in 23 EU member states.

WeWorld is an Italian independent organization operating in 27 countries, including Italy, to promote and guarantee the rights of women, children and local communities through development cooperation and humanitarian aid programs.


More info on


This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of FLIC Scuola di Circo and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.